Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post-Nihilism and Goals in Video Game

 Other than the cycle of expectation, doubt, reality, and relief, there is something else that we can learn from archetype in story. It is the relation between mentor and shadow. Previously, I said that mentor and shadow work to drive moving forward. Without them, the hero in the story will not have a willingness to do an adventure. In our life, mentor and shadow is the representation of good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative, all the things that work in contrast, with each is located at the opposite side of the spectrum and always fight with each other. In a story, usually, at the end of it we will see either mentor won over shadow or the opposite (most of the time it was the former). Similarly, in our life we always believe or being told that the right would eventually win in the end. If this is the nature of the interaction of mentor and shadow, the right and wrong, where they always fight between themselves and in the end there is only one which become a winner, this create a question. Is it true?

Our life shares one similar element with a story. It is the duration. In the story, usually, it covers a certain number of pages, or a certain amount of time. In our life, it is our lifespan. However, different than a story, in our life we rarely found that the right won. Maybe some people do not agree with this. They believe that you will get it if you stick with the right. The problem in here is not how to do it, it is whether it possible or not. Win is one of the output conditions that, usually, come from a type of confrontation. If it is an output, it means it is the end. There is nothing beyond it. Na da. That is why, the triumph of the right, which the hero fights for it, always comes at the end of the book, or before credits screen rolls. Do we get this when we died? Do we really extinguish what we thing wrong in our last breath? We do not. Then, what about this? What if, we can eliminate all wrong before our life span runs out? For instance, we successfully reduce the rate of crime in our country to zero. Is not that a win? Sadly, even if it comes true, we still do not win. The wrong still lingers somewhere without our knowing. It lingers in our mind. You still think the wrong is the opposite of your right, and you will make sure it will not appear again. It still exists. Without we forget the wrong, we will never make the right win.

Can we do that? It is difficult. Because when we take one thing as right, at the same time we also acknowledge the wrong. Throughout our life, we tend to strengthen our faith to the right, which, usually, also consist enhancing our hatred to the wrong. This habit works continuously until we found it was hard to try to explain why the wrong is wrong. It just already crystalized in our mind. Suddenly forgetting about it is proof to be difficult. However, it is possible, but with a cost. To forget the wrong, first we need to forget why it is wrong in the first place. The problem is, what makes it wrong is because it lies in the opposite from the right. If wrong disappear, then what makes the right is right? It lost its frame of reference. This makes to forget the wrong is wrong; we also need to forget that the right is right. It will throw us outside the boundary of the spectrum right and wrong. Not sure what we fighting for up to now, not sure which is right and which is wrong, we enter nihilism.


Nihilism is not a belief that there isn’t right or wrong, a world without order. Nihilism, based on Nietzsche, is an event, a situation where there is no highest value, there is no actual right. This situation happens because our world is always changing, always growing. Our value that we keep is actually a fiction that we desperately hope to exist. Something that we get from the other world, the world where there is a totality, and we try to impose it to our ceaseless real world. Doing this only put us in vain, and eventually will lead us to nihilism, a situation that Nietzsche put as a situation when the highest value devaluates themselves. Maybe this is why we like to read fiction, watch a movie, or play a game. It is only in those “other world” we get an affirmation about our value. We are just trying to escape the nihilism.

Nihilism creates disbelief toward value to maintain order. This makes there is no universal right or wrong, everything is right and the same time wrong. Everything is the same and is allowed.

As a situation, it means that it is not only what people believe. It is a fact, which will happen to us. That is why, Nietzsche believes to overcome nihilism it is not sufficient to change what the nihilists believe. Try to make them hold a certain highest value, the right, when they already seen its incapability, is just like asking them to become an ignorance.

Post Nihilism

However, nihilism is not a totally bad thing. It is a situation that is required if people want to know the truth. So the question is, how we move forward from nihilism. To do this, Nietzsche said that what we need is reevaluate the value. Value should become a product of life that depends on itself, not on dictates from “outside”. Value depends on the situation, not control the situation. We allowed upholding a value as long as it makes sense for our current situation.

Nietzsche argues value should applicable for our life. So the one who should create it is the people who live the life. Life itself comes in a various shape. There is our individual life, social life, and many more. From each life, there is a certain value that regulates within it. A value can be similar or can be different depend on which life we belong to. However, this does not mean that value is relative. This is because when we happen to be in one life, we see value from its perspective while we can only see something as relative if only we are outside to what we measure, a position where we can see all things at the same time.  It is absolute, and yet it only becomes absolute in that life. This makes value is actually exist. There is right and there is wrong. However, for the same thing (or event), the value can varies, depend on which life it is located. Also, the one who must make the judgment is the people who belong in that life. So we are allowed to use or even make a value when it only impact on us personally, but when we with other people we must reevaluate our value by considering the other people.

Post nihilism is different than pre nihilism, where we just blindly following what we thought right and wrong, despite our current situation. It is also different from nihilism where there is no value. In post nihilism, we become the master of value, not the slave. In turns, it will help us to see the nature of value, what it actually gives us.

Why then the value, right and wrong, exist? When it comes to reasoning about right and wrong, people tend to think them solitary from each other, where the right will give them a benefit while the wrong will give them punishment. However, I believe beyond that, there is a bigger advantage that we can get when both the right and wrong exist. This advantage, strangely is not related with either the right or wrong. It located outside the spectrum, and yet it impact only to oneself. In our reality, this advantage comes in the form of a sense of progression. Without the right and wrong, we do not have a purpose to continue living, because everything is similar, there is nothing that we can pursue. We will feel that we just circling around without moving an inch in our life. I believe the scariest for human is the feeling of boredom, a feeling that we get when everything is never changing. To escape the boredom we must take a value.  So, in my opinion, post nihilism is a state where people uphold a value not for labeling things around them with either right or wrong and blindly following it, but to get the advantage that they can only achieve when both right and wrong exist.

Goals in Video Games

Surprisingly, the advantage of right and wrong is something that we, game developer always trying to create. However, it is slightly different from our real life. In the game, right and wrong is related with goals. When goals in the game are created, the reason is not to make the player get the right, which is winning the game, or to avoid the wrong, which is losing the game. It is the other thing. If for our reality it is what I said earlier as sense of progression, in the game it comes in the form of enjoyment. To get this enjoyment, player does not have a choice other than play. This is a grand rule that every game designer obeys. Goals only exist to give player enjoyment. When the goals do not give a pleasure, they must be ruled out. Even so, because every player has variety of skills, to entertain every player is difficult. That is why normally in the game the player is allowed to adjust the difficulty.  

Difficulty selection feature works brilliantly to help player to get the goals without losing the enjoyment. Let’s take competitive games for example. In most of competitive games, player is allowed to adjust to almost all of the aspects of the game, from time limit to enemy level (from adjusting computer skill or selecting other player who s/he want to compete with). This works well with player goal (to become better) without sacrificing his/her enjoyment (s/he can cope with his/her current skill). However, this is not valid for every type games. For single player story driven game, I argue this feature will not work well with player goal and enjoyment.

For single player story driven games, the goals is to know what will happen next, and finally see the ending. For the enjoyment, it comes from the feeling of immerse through the story. Although by letting player select the difficulty of the game (which is usually comes in the selection of easy, normal, or hard) can help the player to cope with the game which is giving them a bigger opportunity to reach the goal, it actually can break the enjoyment, the feeling of immerse. That is why game designer, usually, place the difficulty selection at the start of the game, and player must stick with it until the end of the game. The problem is, human is a creature that is easily to adapt. Given time, something that feels challenging will lose it charm, and we will get used to it. Our skill will surpass the challenge and what left is a dull experience, where game feels very easy, and we become just like an audience rather than a player. This in turns will also break our immersion. Knowing it, many game designers let the player change the difficulty at fly. Believing it will help them to control the difficulty according to their skill, this decision creates the same problem. Changing the difficulty inside the game, usually, happens when the game was felt too easy or too difficult. In order to do this, player needs to pause the game and go to the difficulty setting. Which means there is a delay through game progression that the player spend for an activity that unrelated to the narrative. This will increases the chance the player loss the immersion.

The relation between challenge (or difficulty) and skill is best-explained by flow theory from Mihalyi Csikszenmihalyi. In flow theory, we see that when challenge and skill create a pattern of flow channel it will make the player feel the experience of flow, which is being immersed in the activity. This theory teach us that to make the game balance between player skill and challenge provided in game, things that should be considered are:

1. Define the challenge
The challenge that provided in game should have a value that can be measured by character’s action. A task to deplete enemy’s health where the game does not provide an action to punch, shoot, or other things to complete the task is not a good challenge.  

2. Define the player skill
Player skill is different from character skill. By player skill, I mean the ability that the player has in the real world that will be translated by game through character’s action. It could be motoric ability such as rapidly press various button or logic thinking ability such as finding the solution of a puzzle. Also, not least important is to determine the maximum skill the player can have. Although human always growing, but it needs time. Rush it through game time, which considered small compared to player lifetime, will only stress the player.

3. Map the challenge and skill
The rest is to connect the challenge with the appropriate skill. Although there is many guides to do this, I believe this activity is more art than science. The best good solution that I have encountered is to do much playtesting with different type of player.

The pattern at flow graph shows that there is a set of challenge that only appropriate for a certain skill. Usually, this pattern is plotted with the story in single player story driven game, where player is assumed to have a higher skill in later story. However, because most of this type of game takes a longer time to finish many players will not complete it in a single play. Moreover, with the increase of the number of game that player plays at the same time, it increases the chance there will be decrease in player skill. Because previously I said giving the feature of difficulty selection in the game could break the immersion, we are left with a dynamic difficulty feature, which has two important things in order to work:

1. Measure the player’s current skill
Game should measure player current skill and bring the suitable challenge. In the game, challenge is represented by game element that can be manipulated by character’s action.  Character’s action is coming from game translates player’s action to a bit of information. Then, to know the player’s current skill can be measured by how well s/he delivers the input. In the past, it is something that is hard to do, but nowadays, with the rise of analytic tools, it is not impossible to do. By reading the input information, such as the time between button pressed or the decision the player made, game can measure a player’s current skill.

2. Remember the player’s previous skill
Other than knows the player’s current skill, game should interpret it based on player’s previous skill. If player’s current skill is higher than previous skill, that means player is growing as the game wanted. However, if the opposite happens, game should lower the difficulty by giving an easier challenge while helping the player to gain his/her previous higher skill.

However, using dynamic difficulty has a drawback.  This feature will make there is no progression through the game, which is what single player story driven game is all about. This is caused by the game will adjust to player skill, and there is a chance where player will feel the earlier section of the game is harder than the current caused by the decrease in player’s skill and there is sudden increase of difficulty because player regain his/her skill. Fortunately, like I said before, in single player story driven game, player’s skill is already plotted with game progression. So what game should do is only read player’s current skill and compared it to the designed player skill from game progression. If player’s current skill is higher than what it should be, then the game can increase the overall game difficulty. However, when the opposite happens, game does not need to lower its difficulty. What it should need is to pause the game progression and focus help the player get the suitable skill.

There are many ways to do this. However, what I found interesting is the dying system in Herc’s adventure (LucasArts, 1997). In Herc’s adventure, every time player dies, player is thrown to the underworld where player needs to fight Hades’s underlings before player can continue their game. This underworld is not only worked as a mini games, but can also help the player to improve his/her skill without sacrificing the game progression. Moreover, the developer makes this feature still related to game narrative so that it will not break player’s immersion.

By using similar concept with Herc’s Adventure (halt the game progress to train the player in a special place), and combined with reading player’s current skill (and use this information and the designed skill to plot the difficulty trends of special place) it will help the player to cope with game difficulty. Also, this concept can be used as interactive game tutorial too. Game designer has long known that giving an interactive type of tutorial is better than a writing one. However, this type of tutorial is only found at the earlier game, and after it was over, when player forget about some element of the game, the only thing player can rely is only the written summary of tutorial (and only if it provided).

This system, together with the ability of the game to dynamically increase the difficulty (if player’s current skill is higher than the designed one) I believe will help the player to work on the game goal without forgetting the advantage that it provided, the enjoyment. Or in the philosophy words, the state of post nihilism.


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